Pōneke Area Liaison Officier
Suzanne Tamaki
I’m a paragraph. Double click me or click Edit Text, it's easy. A new structure will be setup to provide more clarity around the differing roles of wardens and to provide greater support to warden groups. We hope this will improve communication and encourage co-operation throughout the district. Warden branches will still be autonomous and accountable to their Māori Committee, which represents their Māori community at-large. A new structure will be setup to provide more clarity around the differing roles of wardens and to provide greater support to warden groups. We hope this will improve communication and encourage co-operation throughout the district. Warden.
Pōneke Area Liaison Officier
Suzanne Tamaki
I’m a paragraph. Double click me or click Edit Text, it's easy. A new structure will be setup to provide more clarity around the differing roles of wardens and to provide greater support to warden groups. We hope this will improve communication and encourage co-operation throughout the district. Warden branches will still be autonomous and accountable to their Māori Committee, which represents their Māori community at-large. A new structure will be setup to provide more clarity around the differing roles of wardens and to provide greater support to warden groups. We hope this will improve communication and encourage co-operation throughout the district. Warden.
Acerca de
Superintendent Gabriel Tupou
Ngāti Hauā, Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ngāti Raukawa, Waitaha ki Te Arawa, Tongan
Gabriel is the Branch Chief for the Wainuiomata Māori Wardens. He was appointed by the Wainuiomta Māori Committee to coordinate the Wardens kaupapa. He is also the District Commander for the Wellington District. Gabriel has a background in the Public Service, community work and governance. Gabriel is a recipient of the Lower Hutt Civic Honours Award and the Kiwibank Local Heroes Medal.
+64 022 034 0443