Pōneke Area Liaison Officier
Suzanne Tamaki
I’m a paragraph. Double click me or click Edit Text, it's easy. A new structure will be setup to provide more clarity around the differing roles of wardens and to provide greater support to warden groups. We hope this will improve communication and encourage co-operation throughout the district. Warden branches will still be autonomous and accountable to their Māori Committee, which represents their Māori community at-large. A new structure will be setup to provide more clarity around the differing roles of wardens and to provide greater support to warden groups. We hope this will improve communication and encourage co-operation throughout the district. Warden.
Pōneke Area Liaison Officier
Suzanne Tamaki
I’m a paragraph. Double click me or click Edit Text, it's easy. A new structure will be setup to provide more clarity around the differing roles of wardens and to provide greater support to warden groups. We hope this will improve communication and encourage co-operation throughout the district. Warden branches will still be autonomous and accountable to their Māori Committee, which represents their Māori community at-large. A new structure will be setup to provide more clarity around the differing roles of wardens and to provide greater support to warden groups. We hope this will improve communication and encourage co-operation throughout the district. Warden.
Aroha ki te Tangata
for the love of the people
We are volunteers who provide a safety presence on marae, at events and in the wider community. The Māori Community Development Act 1962 empowers District Māori Councils and the Minister for Māori Development to appoint Māori Wardens who work towards the prevention of unruly behaviour in public places and on public transport. There are around 1000 Māori Wardens throughout Aotearoa New Zealand.
tikanga māori
Māori Wardens provide tikanga, protocol and ceremonial support at traditional Māori occasions.
peace keeping
Māori Wardens provide a high visibility presence in the community in an effort to deter crime.
Māori Wardens work with community partners to help people in need, including the homeless and whānau.